Email marketing is one of the best tools to use to sell or to market something.
Whether you’re selling products or provide services, email is a great way to stay in touch. You can invite people to join your email list so that they get to know, like and trust you before they spend money.
You need to send targeted emails as one of the most profitable tasks. You can automate your email and if you do this correctly, it will send the sequence of emails you set up. This is called an autoresponder.
An autoresponder allows you to send emails when you’re busy, or even when you’re asleep. Isn’t that cool?
What is an autoresponder?
Well, you know what an email is, right? You write emails and send or reply to someone. You can also send timely newsletters or broadcasts especially during special sale days.
An autoresponders works a little differently than that. With an autoresponder, you create a series of emails all at one. You do all the work once and then you reap the benefits for months and sometimes for years!
And how do you start using an autoresponder?
You’ll need to sign up with an autoresponder service provider. There are many to choose from but some of the most popular ones are:
Have a look at the ones above as some offer free services and others are paid services. Visit and research their websites before committing to one of them and signing up. Each one of these platforms are unique with a slight learning curve. Most of them today offer free landing pages too. (I’ll have an article to explain what landing pages are.)
In conclusion, an autoresponder is a series of emails that you create that will go out automatically to people who have signed up with you either through your website or social media. It allows the new person, called a subscriber to enter into a email autoresponder which they get emails from you sent automatically on a timely basis.
Any questions? Send your comments. My next email will go further into email marketing. Check back soon or join my email list to get the latest blog news and updates. 🙂